American Nuclear Society

Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Technology / Volume 16 / Number 1

Irradiation Effects in Boron Carbide Pellets Irradiated in Fast Neutron Spectra

J. A. Basmajian, A. L. Pitner, D. E. Mahagin, H. C. F. Ripfel, D. E. Baker

Nuclear Technology / Volume 16 / Number 1 / October 1972 / Pages 238-248

Technical Paper / Reactor Materials Performance / Material /

Fast neutron spectra irradiations of boron carbide are being performed. Hardened spectra irradiations in ETR, material irradiations in EBR-II, and EBR-II components yielded the data which are being used for design and analysis of FFTF control elements. Boron carbide was irradiated at temperatures from 800 to 1600°F at burnup values from 2 × 1020 to 20 × 1020 captures/cm3. A variety of material parameters such as pellet density and boron-to-carbon ratios were measured. Data on gas release, swelling, thermal conductivity, microscopy, and compatibility were found to differ substantially from data obtained in thermal reactors.