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Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Technology / Volume 15 / Number 2

Plutonium and Fission Product Redistribution in Mixed-Oxide Fuels During Irradiation

J. K. Bahl, M. D. Freshley

Nuclear Technology / Volume 15 / Number 2 / August 1972 / Pages 114-124

Technical Paper / Plutonium Utilization in Commercial Power Reactors / Reactor /

Plutonium and fission product migration were studied in a low burnup vibrationally compacted UO2-2 wt% PuO2 specimen utilizing autoradiography, micro sampling, microgamma scanning, and shielded electron microprobe analytical techniques. The results show that a significant change in radial plutonium concentration can occur rapidly in high performance mixed-oxide fuels by a vapor transport mechanism that is coincident with the fuel restructuring phenomenon. This results from the condensation of uranium-rich vapor in the cooler peripheral regions of the fuel rod. Cesium, ruthenium, and rhodium migrate significantly in mixed-oxide fuels, whereas zirconium, niobium, cerium, and praseodymium do not redistribute significantly.