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Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Technology / Volume 15 / Number 2

Kinetic Parameters in a Plutonium Lattice Containing Water Regions

V. O. Uotinen, W. P. Stinson, S. P. Singh

Nuclear Technology / Volume 15 / Number 2 / August 1972 / Pages 109-113

Technical Paper / Plutonium Utilization in Commercial Power Reactors / Reactor /

Reactor noise techniques have been used to determine how the quantity Beff/I changes when water regions of several sizes and shapes are introduced into a light water lattice of plutonium-enriched rods. The measured value of Beff/l for the unperturbed uniform lattice was 89 ± 2 sec−1. This value was reduced significantly as successively larger water regions were introduced into this lattice. Calculated values of Beff/l obtained with a typical reactor design calculational method, agree with measured results to within ±5% for these experiments.