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Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Technology / Volume 14 / Number 3

Thermal-Neutron Radiography with a Sealed-Tube Neutron Generator and Water Moderator

Dennis G. Vasilik, Richard L. Murri, George P. Fisher

Nuclear Technology / Volume 14 / Number 3 / June 1972 / Pages 279-283

Technical Paper / Instrument /

Neutron radiography studies have been conducted using an accelerator source of 14.3 ± 0.3 MeV neutrons and a water moderator. The yield of the accelerator was 6.18 × 101 n/sec. The peak thermal-neutron flux of the system was measured to be 6.87 × 107 n/(cm2 sec) at 5.1 cm from the source. A cadmium ratio of 3.4 was measured at this position. A theoretical two-group analysis of the thermal-neutron flux distribution was also performed. The experimental data verified the theoretical results. Neutron multiplication experiments were also conducted by bombarding a 238U target surrounded by the water moderator. It was experimentally determined that 2.5 cm of 238U yielded a maximum multiplication factor of 2.5.