American Nuclear Society

Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Technology / Volume 12 / Number 3

Enriched Uranium Metal Criticality Calculations

D. C. Hunt, D. C. Coonfield

Nuclear Technology / Volume 12 / Number 3 / November 1971 / Pages 260-268

Technical Paper / Reactor /

The effects of varying energy group cross-section sets and the space-angle mesh must be understood to evaluate critical parameters computed by the discrete ordinates Sn method. In this paper, these effects are investigated using critical mass calculations on several enriched uranium metal systems. Based on the variation of critical mass with refinement of the space-angle mesh, mesh specification criteria are deduced. The most significant criteria established for these systems is that Sn (n ≥ 16) calculations are required. Next, the literature on fast (En ≥ 3 keV) 235U and 238U neutron cross sections is reviewed and a seven-group cross-section set in this energy range is developed. This fast set is found to reproduce to within 0.5% the measured critical masses of several fast uranium systems. Finally, group cross-section sets in the resolved resonance energy ranges of 235 U and 238U are developed according to several energy self-shielding models. A recommended set is obtained by interpolation between two of these models. This set yields critical masses in good agreement with observed critical masses for several intermediate energy metal critical systems with several 235U enrichments.