American Nuclear Society

Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Technology / Volume 10 / Number 1

Development of an Ultrafine Grain Size Type-316 Stainless-Steel Cladding

G. A. Reimann

Nuclear Technology / Volume 10 / Number 1 / January 1971 / Pages 62-66

Technical Paper and Note / Fuel /

An ultrafine grain size of ASTM 14 with a dispersed carbide precipitate having a density of 1013 particles/cm3 has been obtained in Type-316 stainless-steel tubing by repetitive cold working and low-temperature anneals. Such ultrafine grain sizes are unobtainable by using conventional techniques because of the inability to work tubing to large magnitudes without introducing flaws. The fine grain size and dispersed carbides may be a structure that is more resistant to irradiation-induced swelling and embrittlement than conventionally produced tubing. The process may be incorporated into commercial tube-drawing practice with little difficulty.