American Nuclear Society

Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Technology / Volume 11 / Number 2

A Note on the Use of the Tchebycheff Criterion for Determination of Parameters in Empirical Approximations to Gamma-Ray Buildup Factor Data

A. F. Vetter, A. B. Chilton

Nuclear Technology / Volume 11 / Number 2 / June 1971 / Pages 268-269

Technical Note / Shielding /

It is suggested that the Tchebycheff criterion for obtaining a best fit of empirical expressions to gamma-ray buildup factor data may be preferable to the least-squares method which has often been used. On this basis, parameters for the Berger formula used in connection with point-source buildup factor data have been calculated for comparison with similar data previously determined on the least-squares basis. Maximum percentage errors when Tchebycheff parameters are used turn out to be equal to or smaller than the corresponding maximum errors using least-squares parameters.