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Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Technology / Volume 11 / Number 3

The Use of Multiple Nuclear Explosives for Gas Stimulation

Milo D. Nordyke

Nuclear Technology / Volume 11 / Number 3 / July 1971 / Pages 303-314

Technical Paper / Nuclear Explosion Engineering / Nuclear Explosive /

An analysis has been made of the use of multiple nuclear explosives in a single emplacement hole for the stimulation of the production of natural gas from a low permeability gas reservoir. Both simultaneous and sequential firing have been considered. Although the physical effects of simultaneous or sequential firing are difficult to quantitatively predict, it is shown that for an area where the gas deposit is thick (>500 ft) and the maximum yield is limited by seismic considerations, the use of sequential firing is significantly more advantageous from an economic viewpoint. An economic analysis of a specific gas formation was made, assuming the use of sequential explosions for the commercial development of an entire gas field. Assuming a wellhead gas price of 30¢ per 1000 ft3, the internal rate of return on the required investment varied from 13 to 27%, depending on the properties of the reservoir. Before these projections can be realized, a large number of technical and operational problems must be solved.