American Nuclear Society

Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Technology / Volume 128 / Number 2

Overview of RETRAN Related Activities

Lance J. Agee

Nuclear Technology / Volume 128 / Number 2 / November 1999 / Pages 131-138

Technical Paper / RETRAN /

An overview is presented of the important RETRAN related events that have occurred since the previous International RETRAN Conference, which was held in October 1995. First, an overview is given of the general state of the industry, focusing on problems with the implementation of new reactor fuels and the formation at the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) of the Robust Fuel Program. Second, the conclusion from the EPRI-sponsored design review of RETRAN-3D is given, as well as the status of RETRAN related licensing submittals to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and the current status of the RETRAN-3D licensing submittal. Third, GPU Nuclear Corporation's use of RETRAN-3D and a cross-comparison of RETRAN-02 licensing analyses for all Three Mile Island Chapter 14 (Chapter 15 for most plants) events are summarized. Fourth, a vision of the future is outlined, which includes the evolving integration of EPRI codes into interactive suites similar to CPM-3, CORETRAN, and RETRAN-3D. Also outlined are the evolution of RETRAN for balance-of-plant analysis, supporting CHECWORKS leak applications, and the use of the thermal-hydraulic engine in operator training simulators.