American Nuclear Society

Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Technology / Volume 128 / Number 1

Design of a Simulated Void-Reactivity Feedback in a Boiling Water Reactor Loop

H. V. Kok, T. H. J. J. Van der Hagen

Nuclear Technology / Volume 128 / Number 1 / October 1999 / Pages 1-11

Technical Paper / Fission Reactors /

The design and implementation of a simulated void-reactivity feedback in an experimental thermal-hydraulic loop meant for boiling water reactor (BWR)-dynamics studies is described. The void fraction in the loop is measured in real time and used as an input to a simulation that calculates the effect of void-reactivity on the reactor power. The resulting signals are used to control the power supplies of the loop. Advantages of this hybrid system in the study of BWR dynamics is that the complicated transfer functions related to two-phase flow are realized physically, while the relatively simple transfer functions related to the neutronics are simulated.