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Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Technology / Volume 9 / Number 2

A Computer Program to Predict the Performance of UO2 Fuel Elements Irradiated at High Power Outputs to a Burnup of 10 000 MWd/MTu

M. J. F. Notley

Nuclear Technology / Volume 9 / Number 2 / August 1970 / Pages 195-204

Fuel Performance Model / Symposium on Theoretical Models for Predicting In-Reactor Performance of Fuel and Cladding Material /

A computer program is described which calculates the behavior of UO2 pellet fueled elements during irradiation. Whenever possible, prediction and experimental observation are compared to verify that the models developed for calculation are reasonable. The interaction of variables when operating with high internal fission gas pressures (and, hence, reduced fuel-sheath heat transfer coefficient) is emphasized.