American Nuclear Society

Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Technology / Volume 9 / Number 2

Some Considerations of the Behavior of Fission Gas Bubbles in Mixed-Oxide Fuels

Che-Yu Li, S. R. Pati, R. B. Poeppel, R. O. Scattergood, R. W. Weeks

Nuclear Technology / Volume 9 / Number 2 / August 1970 / Pages 188-194

Fuel Performance Model / Symposium on Theoretical Models for Predicting In-Reactor Performance of Fuel and Cladding Material /

The critical size for a bubble pinned to a dislocation to continue motion has been evaluated. The result differs from earlier line-tension models. A statistical method for treating bubble coalescence has been developed in which bubble-size distribution is defined in terms of the number of gas atoms in a bubble on a logarithmic scale. Based on this method, a swelling and gas-release model is developed and discussed. The resulting model can be readily adapted to numerical computation.