American Nuclear Society

Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Technology / Volume 9 / Number 3

Optimization of Fuel Loadings for High Power Test Reactors

H. J. Reilly, L. E. Peters, Jr.

Nuclear Technology / Volume 9 / Number 3 / September 1970 / Pages 356-363

Fuel Cycle / Symposium on Theoretical Models for Predicting In-Reactor Performance of Fuel and Cladding Material /

A method was developed for determining the optimum fuel utilization for the Plum Brook Reactor (PBR). The method used available PBR criticality data to incorporate the effects of neutron leakage and nonuniformity of burnup in a point model of the core. This allowed the model to predict the performance of the core as a function of new element weight and number of uses per element. A graphical model was devised to determine the optimum. The article shows the derivation of the model and its application for a typical PBR configuration.