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Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Technology / Volume 9 / Number 5

Average Thermal Neutron Capture Cross Sections of 198Au, 65Ni, And 66Cu

V. Serment, A. Abu-S Amr A, A. H. Emmons

Nuclear Technology / Volume 9 / Number 5 / November 1970 / Pages 662-666

Paper / Reactor /

The average thermal, neutron capture cross sections of 198Au, 65Ni, and 66 Cu have been measured by activation of the stable isotopes 197Au, 64Ni, and 65Cu, using y spectrometry techniques and assuming established values for the cross sections of the stable isotopes. The samples were exposed to thermal neutron fluxes up to 2.6 *1014 n/(cm2 sec) during long times in order to obtain enough activity of the isotopes 199Au, 66Ni, and 67Cu. The values of these cross sections as determined from these activities are 28 300, 24.3, and 145 b, respectively. These values have a maximum error of 10%. Isotopes enriched to more than 97% were used for the Ni and Cu measurements.