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Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Technology / Volume 9 / Number 6

Uranium-233-Bearing Salt Preparation for the Molten Salt Reactor Experiment

J. M. Chandler, S. E. Bolt

Nuclear Technology / Volume 9 / Number 6 / December 1970 / Pages 807-813

Chemical Processing /

The Molten Salt Reactor Experiment has been refueled with an enriching salt concentrate, 7LiFUF4 (73 to 27 mole%). Sixty-three kilograms of this was prepared in a shielded cell in the Thorium-Uranium Recycle Facility at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. The preparation process involved reducing 233UO3 to UO2 by treatment with hydrogen, converting the 233UO2 to 233UF4 by hydrofluorination, and fusing the 233UF4 with LiF. Its preparation in a shielded cell was required because of the high 232U content (222 ppm) of the 233U. The product salt, containing 39 kg of uranium (91.4% 233U), was low in oxide content (50 ppm) and the concentration of the corrosion products, chromium, iron, and nickel, was minimal at less than (0.05%) total.