American Nuclear Society

Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Technology / Volume 8 / Number 6

Neutron Source-Strength Determination by Student Laboratories

B. W. McGhee, W. W. Graham, III, M. R. Haroon

Nuclear Technology / Volume 8 / Number 6 / June 1970 / Pages 531-535

Education /

The increasing availability of high-strength 252Cf neutron sources for educational use suggests the possibility of a new wave of source-strength measurements in student laboratories. In this paper, different methods for calculation and measurement of strengths have been discussed. Results obtained by the maganese-boron method have been compared with the theoretical predictions. Sources of error have been pointed out and a procedure has been recommended for use in a laboratory. It is concluded that results obtained by this method are accurate to 5% while more elaborate and painstaking measurements may produce ∼2% accuracy.