American Nuclear Society

Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Technology / Volume 121 / Number 2

Status of the Development of Final Disposal Casks and Prospects in Germany

Klaus Janberg, Harry Spilker

Nuclear Technology / Volume 121 / Number 2 / February 1998 / Pages 136-147

Technical Paper / German Direct Disposal Project /

In Germany, progress has been made in the development of a cask system for final disposal of spent fuel. The requirements for a final disposal cask and the planning requirements for a final repository are discussed, and a cask system is described that meets these requirements. Besides the description of the cask system and the planned inventory, the results of the shielding, criticality, and thermal calculations are described, as well as the results of the drop tests that have been performed with the cask. As a further development, a consolidated spent-fuel canister is described.