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Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Technology / Volume 121 / Number 1

Fault-Tree Analysis of Criticality in a Pulsed Column of a Typical Reprocessing Facility

Yasushi Nomura, Yoshitaka Naito

Nuclear Technology / Volume 121 / Number 1 / January 1998 / Pages 3-13

Technical Paper / Kiyose Birthday Anniversary /

Scenario identification, preparation of reliability data, and fault-tree construction were conducted for a criticality in a pulsed column of a typical model of a reprocessing facility to find a weak link in the system. The plant system data, the basic reliability data with the fault-tree analysis code FTL, were supplied from NUKEM GmbH, Germany. In this exercise, a low nitric acid concentration in the scrub flow to the pulsed column is initiated by failures of the reagent preparation system of the primary separation cycle, triggering plutonium accumulation, eventually exceeding the safety limit of the scrub column, and thus a criticality accident occurs. The occurrence frequency was evaluated to be 2.2 × 10-5/yr for this most conservative case of the accident scenario. The main contributor was investigated by the fault-tree branch analysis and identified to be human error relating to the sampling measurement for fresh nitric acid scrub feed. Because 2.2 × 10-5/yr is quite a high value in comparison with the generally accepted 10-6/yr, Monte Carlo uncertainty analysis assuming an error factor of 5 for each of the reliability data was conducted to predict a 90% confidence range of 1.9 × 10-6/yr to 8.25 × 10-5/yr. In addition, there might be unforeseen equipment failures related to the same criticality scenario. The additional analysis and discussion lead to the recommendation to adopt shape and dimension control in the design stage for the whole range of plutonium concentrations from a criticality safety point of view.