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Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Technology / Volume 87 / Number 3

Implementation of Remote Equipment at Three Mile Island Unit 2

David L. Giefer, Andre B. Jeffries

Nuclear Technology / Volume 87 / Number 3 / November 1989 / Pages 641-647

Technical Paper / TMI-2: Remote Technology and Engineering / Nuclear Safety /

All remotely controlled devices in use or planned for use at Three Mile Island Unit 2 (TMI-2) from 1982 to the present had common features. These features were proven to be desirable for remote applications in the harsh environment at TMI-2. Remote devices, such as remote reconnaissance vehicle, LOUIE, and automated cutting equipment system, have been successfully implemented to perform tasks to reduce the level of radiation in various areas of the facility. Implementation of each of these devices required careful planning, design, and fabrication of systems needed to support the remote device operation. These devices were used primarily in the reactor building basement, the seal injection valve room, the makeup demineralizer room, and the reactor vessel. Remotely controlled robotic equipment at TMI-2 has helped work performance considerably and minimized radiation exposure to personnel.