American Nuclear Society

Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Technology / Volume 87 / Number 4

Potential for Recriticality of the Relocated Core

Bernard R. Bandini, Anthony J. Baratta

Nuclear Technology / Volume 87 / Number 4 / December 1989 / Pages 926-931

Technical Paper / TMI-2: Decontamination and Waste Management / Criticality Safety /

Knowledge of the effective multiplication factor (keff) of variously configured damaged fuel at Three Mile Island Unit 2 (TMI-2) has greatly affected ongoing defueling operations. A recent DOT 4.3 discrete ordinates analysis has extended prior postaccident analyses of keff to “best-estimate”predictions of criticality at several crucial periods during the progression of the accident. Results from the current analysis show that the TMI-2 fuel was most likely in a highly subcritical configuration at all times during the accident. In addition, conservative calculations have shown that during the crucial initial coolant boiloff period of the accident, the conditions necessary for criticality are extremely unlikely.