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Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Technology / Volume 25 / Number 3

Scrubber Unit for Tritium Removal

F. A. Koehler, Jr., B. D. Craft, J. Ashe, H. A. Woltermann

Nuclear Technology / Volume 25 / Number 3 / March 1975 / Pages 497-501

Technical Paper / Chemical Processing /

Mound Laboratory is engaged in the recovery of tritium from waste materials generated at U.S. Atomic Energy Commission sites. A scrubber system for tritium removal has been designed and constructed at Mound Laboratory. The solutions to be analyzed are first boiled to dryness, and then baked 1 h at 500°C using H2SO4, HCl, or HNO3 as a carrier. The vapors from these solutions are passed through (a) a condenser to remove the bulk of the acid vapors, (b) an NaOH scrubber to remove acid fumes, (c) a mist eliminator to entrap fine mist particles, and (d) a molecular sieve bed to remove all traces of tritiated water. Environmental release is monitored by a Kanne electrometer system which measures the tritium content of the effluent. Use of the scrubber system yields residues with beta counts of <50 count/min with minimal release of tritium to the environment.