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Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Technology / Volume 25 / Number 3

Post-Shutdown Fission-Product Decay Heating for Plutonium-239-Fueled Fast Reactors

Richard Sporrer, John M. Christenson

Nuclear Technology / Volume 25 / Number 3 / March 1975 / Pages 440-449

Technical Paper / Reactor /

Fission-product decay heat rates in shutdown 239Pu-fueled fast reactors are determined by direct calculation using a modified version of the CINDER code with a fission-product library of 344 nuclides. Systematic variations in fluence, flux level, irradiation time, and the initial 238U/239pu ratio are made for the ranges of current interest, and their effects on the decay heat rate for the first ten years after reactor shutdown are investigated. Variations in irradiation history and the 238U/239Pu ratio over the ranges considered cause the total decay heat rate to vary by <18% during the first day after shutdown.