American Nuclear Society

Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Technology / Volume 25 / Number 2

Analysis of Burnups in EBR-II Driver-Fuel Elements

David Meneghetti, Earl R. Ebersole, Phyllis Walker

Nuclear Technology / Volume 25 / Number 2 / February 1975 / Pages 406-415

Technical Paper / Material Dosimetry / Material /

Measured burnup values of about 100 enriched-uramum driver-fuel elements irradiated in the Experimental Breeder Reactor II are compared with calculated values based on run-to-run subassembly-delineated transport analyses. These elements have bumups in the range of 0.3 to 1.6 at.%. The scatter of the ratios of calculated-to-measured bumups indicates that the composite precision with which measurements and calculations can be compared using current methods is from about ±5 to 10%.