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Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Technology / Volume 25 / Number 2

Evaluated Decay Scheme Data

R. G. Helmer, R. C. Greenwood

Nuclear Technology / Volume 25 / Number 2 / February 1975 / Pages 258-273

Technical Paper / Material Dosimetry /

The Interlaboratory LMFBR Reaction Rates program involves the determination of rates of neutron-induced reactions by the measurement of gamma-ray spectra from the decay of radioactive reaction products. A goal of the program is to determine certain nonfission reaction rates to an accuracy of ±5% and certain fission-product rates to ± %. These determinations require a knowledge of two nuclear decay scheme parameters: (a) the half-life, and (b) one or more absolute gamma-ray intensities. An evaluation of the experimental data on these parameters has been carried out for 20 isotopes, including 6 fission products. The uncertainties in these parameters have also been evaluated.