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Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Technology / Volume 27 / Number 2

Observations of Irradiated Fuel Behavior Under Simulated Accident Heating Conditions

J. T. A. Roberts, B. J. Wrona, D. Fischer, J. A. Buzzell

Nuclear Technology / Volume 27 / Number 2 / October 1975 / Pages 267-272

Technical Paper / Fuel /

Modifications to the direct electrical heating apparatus have enabled it to be used successfully to heat irradiated mixed-oxide fuel pellets to melting in an α-γ hot cell. For this purpose, a fuel extrusion device was constructed to remove irradiated fuel from its cladding. Proof-testing was successfully conducted using two UO2-20 wt% PuO2 pellets irradiated in the Experimental Breeder Reactor II to 3.25 at.% burnup at ∼ 3.05 kW/m (∼10 kW/ft). The sequence of events leading to fuel failure—namely, melting, swelling, and fragmentation—agree with observations from inreactor accident simulations.