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Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Technology / Volume 53 / Number 1

Propagation of Errors from Response Functions to Unfolded Spectrum

Kazuo Shin, Yoshitomo Uwamino, Tomonori Hyodo

Nuclear Technology / Volume 53 / Number 1 / April 1981 / Pages 78-85

Technical Paper / Analyse /

An analysis was made on the propagation of errors from the response functions to the unfolded spectrum in the unfolding process from a pulse height distribution to an energy spectrum. In the derivation of formulas, the terms of high variance were ignored. Assumed errors of the response functions were limited to statistical errors in Monte Carlo calculations for the response functions. The unfolding processes used were the SIMPLE method and the FERDO method. The test calculations were done assuming typical spectra having a sharp peak and the 252Cf fission spectrum. The response errors can have a serious influence on the flux error, especially in the case of a sharply peaked spectrum.