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Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Technology / Volume 102 / Number 3

Development of In-Service Inspection Plans for Nuclear Components at the Surry Unit 1 Nuclear Power Station

Truong V. Vo, Frederic A. Simonen, Steven R. Doctor, Brian W. Smith, Bryan F. Gore

Nuclear Technology / Volume 102 / Number 3 / June 1993 / Pages 403-415

Technical Paper / Reactor Operation /

As part of the nondestructive evaluation reliability program sponsored by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission at Pacific Northwest Laboratory, a methodology has been developed for establishing in-service inspection priorities of nuclear power plant components. The method uses results of probabilistic risk assessment in conjunction with the techniques of failure modes and effects analysis to identify and prioritize the most risk-important systems and components for inspection at nuclear power plants. Surry nuclear power station unit 1 was selected for demonstrating the methodology. The specific systems selected for analysis were the reactor pressure vessel, the reactor coolant, the low-pressure injection including the accumulators, and the auxiliary feedwater. The results provide a risk-based ranking of components that can be used to establish a prioritization of the components and a basis for developing improved in-service inspection plans at nuclear power plants.