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Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Technology / Volume 43 / Number 1

Characteristics of Plutonium-Topped Thorium Cycles in Heavy-Water-Moderated Pressure Tube Reactors

S. Banerjee, F. W. Barclay

Nuclear Technology / Volume 43 / Number 1 / April 1979 / Pages 55-62

Techinical paper / Fuel Cycle /

Thorium cycles in heavy-water-moderated pressure tube reactors are expected to lead to much better nuclear fuel utilization than the current natural uranium once-through fuel cycle. The extent to which various parameters affect fuel cycle economics and uranium requirements during the approach to equilibrium conditions for first-generation plutonium-topped thorium cycle reactors has been studied. The results are compared with systems in which equilibrium has been achieved to elucidate the significant differences between first- and second-generation thorium cycle reactors.