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Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Technology / Volume 73 / Number 3

An Evaluation of the Influence of Fuel Design Parameters and Burnup on Pellet/Cladding Interaction for Boiling Water Reactor Fuel Rod Through In-Core Diameter Measurement

Kazuaki Yanagisawa

Nuclear Technology / Volume 73 / Number 3 / June 1986 / Pages 361-377

Technical Paper / Nuclear Fuel /

The influence of design parameters and burnup on pellet /cladding interaction (PCI) of current boiling water reactor fuel rods was studied through in-core diameter measurement. Thinner cladding and a smaller diametral gap enhanced the PCI during startup. At constant power, fuel with SiO2 added greatly reduced PCI due to relaxation. The fuel with a small grain size greatly reduced PCI due to densification. Preirradiation of rods up to 23 MWd / kgU caused a large PCI not only in a small gap but also in a large gap rod. Relaxation and permanent deformation was small. In the power increase experiment, one rod experienced PCI failure. The spurt times of coolant radioactivity coincided well with the sudden drop of cladding axial strain and marked crack opening at the rod surface. The estimated hoop stress predicted by FEMAXI-III was 350 MPa at the failure.