American Nuclear Society

Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Technology / Volume 78 / Number 3

Fabrication of Fuel Elements Interplay Between Typical SNR Mark la Specifications and the Fuel Element Fabrication

Willi K. Biermann, Hans-Jochen Heuvel, Servais Pilate, Yvon Vanderborck, Eduard Pelckmans, Guido Vanhellemont, Horst Roepenack, Wolfgang Stoll

Nuclear Technology / Volume 78 / Number 3 / September 1987 / Pages 278-283

Nuclear Power Plant Kalkar (SNR-300) / Fission Reactor /

The core and fuel were designed for the SNR-300 first core by Interatom GmbH and Belgonucléaire. The fuel was fabricated by Alkem/RBU and Belgonucleaire. Based on the preparation of drawings and specifications and on the results of the prerun fabrication, an extensive interplay took place between design requirements, specifications, and fabrication processes at both fuel plants. During start-up of pellet and pin fabrication, this solved such technical questions as 239Pu equivalent linear weight, pellet density, stoichiometry of the pellets, and impurity content. Close cooperation of designers and manufacturers has allowed manufacture of 205 fuel assemblies without major problems.