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Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Technology / Volume 23 / Number 3

A Continuous In-Line Monitor for UF6 Enrichment

T. D. Reilly, E. R. Martin, J. L. Parker, L. G. Speir, R. B. Walton

Nuclear Technology / Volume 23 / Number 3 / September 1974 / Pages 318-327

Technical Paper / Instrument /

A system has been developed to measure continuously the 235U and 234U enrichment in the UF6 product of a gaseous diffusion plant. The measurements are made on liquid UF6 prior to withdrawal into product cylinders. The 235U enrichment is measured to a relative accuracy of 0.5% at two sigma by counting the 185.7-keV gamma ray from 235U with an NaI detector. The 234U enrichment is measured with a neutron detector counting (α,n) neutrons from UF6. The neutron system can measure either 234 U enrichment directly or 235 U enrichment indirectly (for low-enriched uranium, 2 to 5% 235U, the two enrichments are nearly proportional). The accuracy of the neutron measurement is 2.5% at two sigma. The gamma and neutron measurements are independent and could be used singly if only one isotope were desired. Both are required to measure 235 U and 234 U enrichment. The system is presently installed at the Goodyear Atomic Corporation gaseous diffusion plant in Piketon, Ohio.