American Nuclear Society

Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Technology / Volume 112 / Number 1

The Fast Multiple-Path NUCTRAN Model—Calculating the Radionuclide Release from a Repository

L. Romero, L. Moreno, I. Neretnieks

Nuclear Technology / Volume 112 / Number 1 / October 1995 / Pages 99-107

Technical Paper / Radioactive Waste Management /

The NUCTRAN model has been applied to the Swedish KBS-3 nuclear waste repository concept, where the migration of radionuclides is through various barriers and pathways. The escape of the nuclides from the canister occurs through a small hole. This hole controls the release of nuclides from the repository. NUCTRAN is a useful tool to calculate the nonstationary transport in a repository for high-level nuclear waste. The advantage of this model is the use of a coarse compartmentalization of the repository, which makes it flexible and easy to adapt to different geometries. The several radionuclide release calculations made with NUCTRAN have shown the capability of this to handle different situations rapidly and easily. The particularity of these calculations is the high accuracy obtained by using a coarse compartmentalization of the Swedish KBS-3 repository and the small requirements of computing time. At short times for short-lived nuclides, the calculated releases are exaggerated. The error can be considerably reduced by an additional subdivision of large compartments into a few compartments.