American Nuclear Society

Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Technology / Volume 179 / Number 3

In-Situ Creep Testing Capability for the Advanced Test Reactor

Bong Goo Kim, Joy L. Rempe, Darrell L. Knudson, Keith G. Condie, Bulent H. Sencer

Nuclear Technology / Volume 179 / Number 3 / September 2012 / Pages 417-428

Technical Paper / Materials for Nuclear Systems /

An instrumented creep testing capability is being developed for specimens irradiated in pressurized water reactor coolant conditions at the Advanced Test Reactor (ATR). A test rig has been developed such that samples will be subjected to stresses up to 350 MPa at temperatures up to 370°C in pile. Initial Idaho National Laboratory (INL) efforts to develop this creep testing capability for the ATR are summarized. In addition to providing an overview of in-pile creep test capabilities available at other test reactors, this paper reports efforts by the INL to evaluate a prototype test rig in an autoclave at INL's High Temperature Test Laboratory. Data from autoclave tests with Type 304 stainless steel and copper specimens are reported.