American Nuclear Society

Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Technology / Volume 173 / Number 1

ATR NSUF Instrumentation Enhancement Efforts

Joy L. Rempe, Mitchell K. Meyer, Darrell L. Knudson, Keith G. Condie, Joshua E. Daw, S. Curtis Wilkins

Nuclear Technology / Volume 173 / Number 1 / January 2011 / Pages 66-77

Technical Paper / NPIC&HMIT Special / Nuclear Plant Operations and Control /

A key component of the Advanced Test Reactor (ATR) National Scientific User Facility (NSUF) effort is to expand instrumentation available to users conducting irradiation tests in this unique facility. In particular, development of sensors capable of providing real-time measurements of key irradiation parameters is emphasized because of their potential to increase data fidelity and reduce posttest examination costs. This paper describes the strategy for identifying new instrumentation needed for ATR irradiations and the program underway to develop and evaluate new sensors to address these needs. Accomplishments from this program are illustrated by describing new sensors now available to users of the ATR NSUF. In addition, progress is reported on current research efforts to provide improved in-pile instrumentation to users.