Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Technology / Volume 172 / Number 1
Nuclear Technology / Volume 172 / Number 1 / October 2010 / Pages 71-76
Technical Paper / Nuclear Plant Operations & Control / dx.doi.org/10.13182/NT10-A10883
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The rapid development of the nuclear power plant (NPP) in China leads to increasing attention to the minimization of radioactive waste. The primary coolant is one of the sources of low-level radioactive wastewater and must be decontaminated before its discharge to the environment. One of the possibilities is by means of continuous electrodeionization (CEDI) technology. In this paper the lab-scale experiments demonstrate that CEDI can offer favorable decontamination of primary coolant in NPP, with minimized radioactive spent resin production. Displacement of the anion exchanger by weak base anion exchangers in a CEDI module can improve the Co2+ and Sr2+ removal. In the dilute effluent of the modified module, Co2+ and Sr2+ concentrations are below 2 ngl-1 and 58 to 114 ng
l-1 , respectively, which is much lower than the commercial one of 205 to 289 ng
l-1 and 268 to 326 ng
l-1 . This displacement has a negligible influence on the electrical resistance of the module.