American Nuclear Society

Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Technology / Volume 172 / Number 1

Fuel Cycle Analysis of the SABR Subcritical Transmutation Reactor Concept

C. M. Sommer, W. M. Stacey, B. Petrovic

Nuclear Technology / Volume 172 / Number 1 / October 2010 / Pages 48-59

Technical Paper / Fuel Cycle and Management /

A fuel cycle analysis was performed for the SABR transmutation reactor concept, using the ERANOS fast reactor physics code. SABR is a sodium-cooled, transuranic (TRU)-Zr-fueled, subcritical fast reactor driven by a tokamak fusion neutron source. Three different four-batch reprocessing fuel cycles, in which all the TRUs from spent nuclear fuel discharged from light water reactors are fissioned to >90% (by recycling four times), was examined. The total fuel residence time in the reactor was limited in these three cycles by a radiation damage limit (100, 200, or 300 displacements per atom) to the cladding material. In the fourth cycle the fuel residence time was determined by trying to achieve 90% burnup in a once-through cycle without reprocessing.