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Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Technology / Volume 171 / Number 2

Dynamic Safety Analysis of the SABR Subcritical Transmutation Reactor Concept

T. S. Sumner, W. M. Stacey, S. M. Ghiaasiaan

Nuclear Technology / Volume 171 / Number 2 / August 2010 / Pages 123-135

Technical Paper / Reactor Safety /

The transient response of the subcritical advanced burner reactor (SABR) subcritical, sodium-cooled, transuranic-fueled, fast transmutation reactor design concept, which ensued from several accident initiation events, has been simulated. The results establish such things as the number of primary loop pumps that could fail or the magnitude of flow reduction in the intermediate loop heat removal capability due to either pump failure or intermediate heat exchange failure that could be tolerated without core damage, the consequences of loss of electrical power, and the consequences of control rod ejection or neutron source excursions. Suggestions are offered for design changes to improve the already good safety characteristics of the design concept.