Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 199 / Number 3 / March 2025 / Pages 410-428
Research Article /
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For the first time, charge distribution studies have been carried out in the epi-cadmium neutron-induced fission of 241Pu by measuring the fractional cumulative yields (FCYs) and independent yields of various fission products by using an off-line gamma-ray spectrometric technique. The average energy of the epi-cadmium neutron spectrum is 1.9 MeV. From the FCY values, the isobaric width parameter σZ, most probable charge ZP, and charge polarization ∆ΖEXPT as a function of fragment mass were obtained. On the other hand, from the independent yield values, isotopic width parameter σA; the most probable mass AP; and the elemental yields YZ of Sn, Sb, Te, I, Xe, Cs, Ba, La, Ce, and Pr were determined by using a nonlinear fit. From the YZ values, the proton even-odd effect δp was obtained for the first time. The present data were compared with similar data in the 241Pu(nth,f) reaction and epi-cadmium neutron-induced fission of 240Pu as well as other actinides to examine the role of the excitation energy and pairing effect.