American Nuclear Society

Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 199 / Number 2

A Modified Implicit Monte Carlo Method for Frequency-Dependent Three Temperature Radiative Transfer Equations

Min Gao, Yi Shi

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 199 / Number 2 / February 2025 / Pages 325-337

Note /

Received:November 13, 2023
Accepted:May 29, 2024
Published:January 6, 2025

In this work, we develop a modified implicit Monte Carlo method for the frequency-dependent (multigroup) three-temperature (3T) radiative transfer equations. A new reformulation of the 3T model is utilized to deal with the coupling between the electron and ion energies. This will result in an effective scattering term, together with a combination source term of electron and ion energies, which can be resolved by the Monte Carlo simulations. The method is proven to retain the asymptotic preserving property in the limit where the electron-ion coupling coefficient tends to zero or infinity. Furthermore, numerical simulations confirm the unconditional stability of the new method as well as its ability to preserve the total energy conservation. Several numerical results are presented to showcase the efficacy of this new method.