American Nuclear Society

Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 198 / Number 5

Experimental Study of Thick Target Yield from the 13C(α,n0)16O Reaction

P. S. Prusachenko, T. L. Bobrovskiy, M. V. Bokhovko, A. F. Gurbich

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 198 / Number 5 / May 2024 / Pages 1062-1074

Research Article /

Received:May 2, 2023
Accepted:July 10, 2023
Published:April 2, 2024

The thick target neutron spectra from the 13C(α,n0)16O reaction were measured for the energy range of 3.0 to 6.5 MeV at 10 angles in the laboratory angle interval of 0 to 150 deg. The thick target yield (TTY) was determined by integration of the neutron spectra over the neutron energy range corresponding to the 13C(α,n0)16O reaction followed by integration of the obtained angular distribution of the differential TTY over the solid angle 4π. The content of 13C atoms in the target was determined by ion beam analysis with accuracy of <1%. The obtained TTY values support the calculated ones based on the 16O(n,α0)13C reaction cross-section evaluation from the ENDF/B-VIII.0 library.