American Nuclear Society

Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 198 / Number 5

Deterministic Transport Calculation Method for Statistical Geometry with Small Fuel Particles

Akio Yamamoto, Tomohiro Endo, Satoshi Takeda, Hiroki Koike, Kazuya Yamaji, Koji Asano

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 198 / Number 5 / May 2024 / Pages 981-992

Research Article /

Received:April 11, 2023
Accepted:June 22, 2023
Published:April 2, 2024

A deterministic transport calculation method is proposed for the treatment of dispersed fuel particles in a fuel compact/fuel pebble of a typical high-temperature gas-cooled reactor fuel. The random distribution of fuel particles was considered using the statistical geometry (STG) method, which is widely used in the Monte Carlo method. A long-ray trace, which represents a neutron flight path, was considered, and the segment lengths and material distributions on the ray trace were randomly sampled using STG. Then a conventional transport sweep, as used in the method of characteristics, was performed along the ray trace. The proposed deterministic statistical geometry (DSTG) method can calculate the flux spatial distribution in a heterogeneous geometry containing randomly dispersed fuel particles and the surrounding graphite matrix, which is consistent with the STG in a Monte Carlo method. The validity of the DSTG method was confirmed through sensitivity calculations and comparisons with a multigroup Monte Carlo method that utilizes STG. The proposed method can be used for the homogenization of heterogeneous structures inside a fuel compact or fuel pebble as an alternative to conventional deterministic unit cell calculations that consider fuel particles and the surrounding matrix in high-temperature gas-cooled reactor fuels.