American Nuclear Society

Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 198 / Number 1

Photoproton Production of 99mTc and Its Theranostic Counterpart 101Tc via (γ,p) Reaction on Ruthenium

A. Tsechanski, D. Fedorchenko, V. Starovoitova

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 198 / Number 1 / January 2024 / Pages 138-144

Research Article /

Received:October 10, 2022
Accepted:April 16, 2023
Published:December 12, 2023

A production route for 99mTc and 101Tc using the (γ,p) reaction was considered. For an electron beam with energy of 40 MeV and power of 10 kW, distributions of produced 99mTc and 101Tc were obtained. For the optimized target (0.5 g) configurations, values of 99mTc specific activities of 9.53 GBq/g (0.26 Ci/g) for a one-stage setup and of 1.77 GBq/g (0.049 Ci/g) for a two-stage setup were obtained. For 101Tc, the corresponding values were 6.51 GBq/g (0.18 Ci/g) and 1.24 GBq/g (0.033 Ci/g).