American Nuclear Society

Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 197 / Number 9

Kinetic Theory Study of Pressure and Equation of State in a Strongly Degenerate Fermi Gas

Vincenzo Molinari, Domiziano Mostacci, Francesco Teodori

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 197 / Number 9 / September 2023 / Pages 2446-2449

Research Article /

Received:November 20, 2022
Accepted:March 17, 2023
Published:August 1, 2023

Starting from the Fermi-Dirac distribution fuunction, Kinetic Theory prescriptions are applied to express number density and pressure as integrals, which are then solved for nonvanishing temperature. The results are then combined to arrive at an equation of state, given in closed form, yielding pressure as a function of number density.