American Nuclear Society

Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 197 / Number 8

Utilizing Sensitivity and Correlation Coefficients from MCNP and Whisper to Guide Microreactor Experiment Design

Alexis Maldonado, Christopher Perfetti

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 197 / Number 8 / August 2023 / Pages 2086-2098

Technical papers from: PHYSOR 2022 /

Received:August 17, 2022
Accepted:December 19, 2022
Published:July 7, 2023

When designing experiments for full-scale reactor systems, the Monte Carlo N-Particle® and Whisper codes can be used to create neutronic models and compare the similarity of two nuclear systems via correlation coefficients for , the effective multiplication factor. This paper applies this framework to a conceptual heat pipe yttrium-hydride-moderated microreactor system and experiments, but the method can be applied generally to any nuclear reactor design. The framework is intended as a supplement to other neutronics/thermal/multiphysics analyses and provides an objective method to measure the neutronic similarity of two systems. By analyzing the shared nuclear data uncertainty, as well as sensitivity to nuclear data over all neutron energies, highly informative experiments can be designed to aid in the development of microreactor and other advanced reactor technologies and systems.