American Nuclear Society

Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 197 / Number 8

An Inline Burnup Algorithm

P. Cosgrove, E. Shwageraus, J. Leppänen

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 197 / Number 8 / August 2023 / Pages 1681-1699

Technical papers from: PHYSOR 2022 /

Received:April 25, 2022
Accepted:July 22, 2022
Published:July 7, 2023

Inline algorithms have been proposed for coupling Monte Carlo neutron transport solvers with several other physics, such as xenon and iodine densities and thermal hydraulics. This paper proposes a new inline algorithm that can be applied to burnup calculations. The algorithm is a modification of the predictor-corrector method, where the corrector-step nuclide densities are converged simultaneously with the fission source. This could, in principle, obviate the need for two full neutronics solutions per time-step while still allowing the accuracy of predictor-corrector methods with improved stability. This paper describes the algorithm and demonstrates its stability properties through a Fourier analysis. Although not unconditionally stable, judicious use of batching and relaxation are shown to greatly improve the algorithm’s stability properties in realistic systems.