American Nuclear Society

Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 197 / Number 1

Numerical Caseology by Lagrange Interpolation for the 1D Neutron Transport Equation in a Slab

B. D. Ganapol

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 197 / Number 1 / January 2023 / Pages 1-13

Technical Paper /

Received:April 23, 2022
Accepted:June 29, 2022
Published:December 12, 2022

Here, we are concerned with a new, highly precise, numerical solution to the one-dimensional neutron transport equation based on Case’s analytical, singular eigenfunction expansion (SEE). While a considerable number of numerical solutions currently exist, understandably, because of its complexity even in one dimension, there are only a few truly analytical solutions to the neutron transport equation. In 1960, Case introduced a consistent theory of the SEE for a variety of idealized transport problems and forever changed the landscape of analytical transport theory. Several numerical methods, including the Fn method, were based on the theory. What is presented is yet another, called the Lagrange order N method (LNM) featuring the simplicity and precision of the Fn method, but for a more convenient and natural Lagrangian polynomial basis.