American Nuclear Society

Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 196 / Number 4

Impact of Angular and Spatial Source Distribution Approximations on Convergence Performance of Nonlinear Acceleration Methods for MOC in Slab Geometry

Yoshiki Oshima, Tomohiro Endo, Akio Yamamoto

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 196 / Number 4 / April 2022 / Pages 379-394

Technical Paper /

Received:May 1, 2021
Accepted:September 13, 2021
Published:March 2, 2022

The convergence performance of nonlinear acceleration methods for the method of characteristics (MOC) with flat source (FS) approximation (FS MOC) or linear source (LS) approximation (LS MOC) is numerically investigated by focusing on the spatial and angular approximations in the acceleration calculations. The convergence of nonlinear acceleration depends on the consistency of the calculation models between the higher-order and lower-order (acceleration) methods. The convergence of four acceleration methods is evaluated to clarify the relationship between model consistency and convergence performance. These methods consist of FS or LS for the spatial source distribution and P1 or discrete angle for the angular distribution, i.e., (1) FS analytic coarse mesh finite difference (ACMFD) acceleration (FS ACMFD), (2) LS ACMFD, (3) FS angular-dependent discontinuity factor MOC (ADMOC) acceleration (FS ADMOC), and (4) LS ADMOC. The ACMFD and ADMOC accelerations are based on P1 and discrete angle approximations, respectively. The FS MOC and LS MOC are considered higher-order methods. The FS MOC and LS MOC with five acceleration methods, i.e., the aforementioned four acceleration methods and the conventional coarse mesh finite difference acceleration method, are used to perform fixed-source calculations in one-group one-dimensional homogeneous slab geometry, and the spectral radii are numerically evaluated. The numerical results indicate that (1) the nonlinear acceleration methods that are unconditionally stable for FS MOC also show similar convergence properties for LS MOC in one-dimensional slab geometry; (2) better convergence is observed when the consistency of higher- and lower-order models is high; and (3) when a coarse mesh is optically thick, the spatial homogenization degrades the convergence performance, even if spatial and angular approximations are consistent between the higher- and lower-order models.