Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 195 / Number 7 / July 2021 / Pages 694-716
Technical Paper /
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A Resonance calculation using energy Spectrum Expansion (RSE) method is newly proposed in this paper. In this method, ultra-fine-group (UFG) spectra appearing in a resonance calculation are expanded by orthogonal bases on energy, which are extracted from the UFG spectra obtained in homogeneous geometry with various background cross sections using singular value decomposition and low-rank approximation. Namely, this method is based on the concept of a reduced order model. A neutron transport equation for flux moments (expansion coefficients) similar to the conventional one is derived and is numerically solved. This method applies to two benchmark problems in which a resonance interference effect and spatial self-shielding effect can appear. The results indicate that this method accurately predicts the reference effective cross sections and reaction rates obtained from direct UFG calculation in heterogeneous geometry.