American Nuclear Society

Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 195 / Number 5

Supercritical Transient Analysis for Ramp Reactivity Insertion Using Multiregion Integral Kinetics Code

Kodai Fukuda, Jun Nishiyama, Toru Obara

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 195 / Number 5 / May 2021 / Pages 453-463

Technical Paper /

Received:August 6, 2020
Accepted:November 5, 2020
Published:April 5, 2021

To proceed with the decommissioning of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station, analyses of unexpected fuel debris criticality accidents are needed. Supercritical transient analyses have been conducted for fuel debris using the Multiregion Integral Kinetic (MIK) code, which can take the space dependence of fuel debris into account. In those analyses, reactivity is assumed as stepwise insertion because the MIK code does not include delayed neutron effects, which might be negligible. However, reactivity insertion may not always be stepwise. Therefore, it is important to clarify an applicable range of the MIK code for nonstepwise insertion, such as ramp reactivity insertion. To show that kinetics codes without delayed neutron effects could be applied for a supercritical transient induced by ramp reactivity insertion, we established a method to clarify its applicable range. An analysis using the point reactor kinetics model was introduced as a pre-analysis to clarify this range in the case of ramp reactivity insertion in terms of the contribution of delayed neutrons. We applied the methodology to a simple cylindrical fuel debris system and successfully demonstrated a supercritical transient analysis for ramp reactivity insertion using the MIK code.