American Nuclear Society

Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 195 / Number 3

Secondary-Source Core Reload Modeling with VERA

Cole Gentry, Benjamin Collins, Eva Davidson, Gregory Davidson, Thomas Evans, Andrew Godfrey, Shane Hart, Germina Ilas, Seth Johnson, Kang Seog Kim, Scott Palmtag, Tara Pandya, Katherine Royston, William Wieselquist, Gary Wolfram

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 195 / Number 3 / March 2021 / Pages 320-337

Technical Paper /

Received:May 2, 2020
Accepted:September 3, 2020
Published:February 12, 2021

The CASL reactor simulation package VERA has been adapted to provide high-fidelity simulation capabilities for modeling source range detector response during subcritical reactor configurations. New features include the activation and shuffling of secondary-source assemblies, use of burned fuel neutron emission data from the ORIGEN depletion solver to the MPACT deterministic neutron transport solver, allowance of user-defined sources in MPACT based on material composition, ability to solve the subcritical source-driven system with neutron multiplication using the MPACT diffusion solver, and transfer of the calculated fission source from MPACT to the continuous-energy Monte Carlo solver Shift for final detector response evaluation using the CADIS methodology for variance reduction. These new capabilities were benchmarked against Watts Bar Unit 1 plant operating data for the first few fuel loading steps and were found to demonstrate excellent agreement with the measured data.